Make Your Own Mario Game With Super Mario Maker 2’s Latest World Maker Update

Super Mario Maker 2, Nintendo’s lovechild of almost every 2D Mario game built into one, with multiple options for players to create their own Mario levels. For the most part, these customer player levels range from ridiculously hard, to well crafted, amazing levels you could only dream of.

Now, Nintendo is expanding possibilities with their latest update, the World Maker update, which will be made available on April 22.

With the new update, they’ve added a bunch of new pickups, enemies, and game mechanics that essentially changes the way you play the game. Some of the new pickups include the frog suit from Super Mario Bros. 3, a mushroom which turns you into Super Mario Bros. 2 Mario to throw literally every enemy around, and the power balloon from Super Mario World. That was substantial enough on its own.

But now, another free feature will allow for players to create their own WORLDS. Do you know what this means??You can now quite literally, create your own Mario game, inside of Super Mario Maker 2. The World Maker update lets you design your own map and line them up with various levels you’ve created. Each world can have five levels, and you can make eight worlds combined to create a 40-level Super Mario game.

It’s just, insane. You can live out cruel fantasies of making the hardest Mario game ever, and push it out to the world for others to suffer.

This will sadly, be the final update to the Super Mario Maker 2 game. But what better way to end, by letting your players create countless worlds, by themselves. The replayability value of the game is literally endless.

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