Fortinet brings World’s First Terabit Firewall Appliance

Cybersecurity solutions company Fortinet announces world’s first security appliance to achieve Terabit per second (Tbps) firewall performance. The FortiGate 3980E is one of the new solutions that expand Fortinet’s top-tier enterprise firewalls for Malaysian enterprise, data center, and service provider customers. The other solution released is the FortiGate 7060E, which delivers 100 Gigabit per second (Gbps) of next-generation firewall throughput in a chassis form-factor.

Both enterprise firewalls uses Fortinet’s advanced Security Processing Units (SPU) to deliver performance, scale, and Security Fabric defenses; so large enterprises in Malaysia do not have to compromise between security features or network speed disruption.

“Cloud computing, IoT, and a hyper-connected digital economy have been straining enterprise IT resources and rapidly increasing the performance demands required from today’s security solutions. Enterprises in Malaysia cannot afford to sacrifice their network performance or their security features in this highly competitive and constantly evolving landscape,” said Michelle Ong, Country Manager for Fortinet Malaysia

The FortiGate 3980E Enterprise Firewall is recorded to deliver 1.12 Tbps firewall performance and 470 Gbps secured VPN throughput. Suitable for enterprises that need high network throughput and deep inspection delivered in a compact form factor and reduce operating costs the FortiGate 3980E to function as a datacentre firewall, to secure interconnectivity between datacentres, or as an internal datacentre segmentation firewall.


The FortiGate 7060E Enterprise Firewall is a streamlined, modular, chassis-based firewall with threat protection throughput and flexibility to suit specific deployment and usage requirements. Claiming the title of the World’s Fastest NGFW with 100 Gbps of demonstrated NGFW performance, it individually delivers 160 Gbps application control, and 120 Gbps intrusion prevention throughput. With up to four Security Processing blades for blistering NGFW and SSL performance and up to two I/O modules for maximum interface density and network bandwidth, the 7060E is ideal for large enterprise, data center, and service provider deployments that cannot afford to compromise on throughput, scale, and advanced security capabilities.
Both solutions’ performance is validated by Ixia’s BreakingPoint and latest CloudStorm 100GE Application and Security Test Load Module.

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