After a series of pilot program on its fibre broadband service, Tenaga Nasional (TNB) is said to be ready to roll-out the high speed internet service come next year. Sources have revealed that although it wont be a nationwide availability, but urban centres will be the earliest to receive connection.
TNB raised interest in the project after heeding the call from the Ministry of Communication headed by the new Minister who was dissatisfied with the state of broadband penetration in the country. TNB which serves nearly every household in Malaysia is the ideal candidate to realise the objective set out by the Ministry to get internet access in every home. As part of its TNB National Connectivity Plan, the national utility has been wiring it’s electrical grid with fibre optics, which forms part of the company’s telecommunication network. The pilot program executed 2 months back, saw over 1000 homes in Jasin Melaka connected via the network and fitted with smart meters that are able to read usage along with electricity.
Across The Road
The news will be unwelcome to board members at telecommunication giant TM, who were tasked by the government solely to wire the country up under the HSBB initiative. Large pockets of county has yet to receive basic internet and many users are also plagued by the legacy copper connection, Streamyx which of late had become the bane to its business. But what will be more worrying for TM is that TNB is not only vying the consumer broadband segment but also targeting the lucrative business community, with already all these company on the grid, up-selling broadband service would not be much of an issue. We will need to be reminded this will be first time the utility board be entering into a commercial space with seasoned competitors. Having been the sole energy supplier and monopolising over the industry, telecommunication is a different animal with constant price fluctuation and demanding consumers. A 360 degree change in mindset is required by everyone at TNB.
With the new entrant, Gobind Deo Minister of Communication will have what he intended, a more competitive playing field that will lead to improved service, lower price and better quality. The shake-up is eminent and the slumbering giants are waking up, oh yeah…don’t expect TM to be quite for long!