Telegram has been holding a strong position in attracting users especially after the catastrophe involving WhatsApp. Telegram guarantees their users’ privacy and confidentiality which is among Telegram’s many interesting features.
Telegram is testing a few new features through its latest beta version 7.5. Those features are including QR code-based group invitations, disappearing messages, widgets for Android users and many others.
Just like its rival app, Telegram now is letting the group admin share invitations through special links or QR codes. The invitations can be set to expire after a period of time like an hour, a day or none at all. Admins can also customise the links or codes by limiting the number of uses; something like 100 scans or clicks before it becomes revoked and inaccessible.
The version 7.5 also presents the new Broadcast Group feature which lets users create broadcast-only groups, meaning that only admins or selected members are allowed to chat. Participants can observe which making the feature looks like a press conference or seminar. Talk about online events, huh.
However, according to a source, the feature is allowing an unlimited number of participants. This will help the admin’s side to get rid of unnecessary spams and trolling in the group. You can convert the existing group to be this kind of group too but non-admin members lose the ability to chat in the channel. To add some more, the change is irreversible.
Another update is disappearing messages which live it up to its name where particular messages after a duration of time. For this update, it can be set by the admin for the message to be disappeared within 2 hours or 7 days. It is very useful as it can help deleting reminders or pinned posts that are no longer relevant after a certain period of time.
Last but not least is the beta version will let Android users to add Telegram widgets to their phone’s home screen in either a 2 x 2 or 5 x 2 layout. It lets them quickly access their favourite individual or group chats and it is indeed a feature that most users would agree was a long time coming.
The beta version was available only to testers last week and the platform hasn’t yet released the stable version of 7.5 to the public.
The features seem promising and I personally can’t wait for it to be released. With that, it is believed that Telegram will attract more users in the near future. Which from the features mentioned above caught your attention?