With Valentine’s day right around the corner, everyone is in the mood for love and no one more so than Pizza Hut, who on February 4th announced that they will be making heart shaped pizzas available at all Pizza Hut restaurants and delivery concepts nationwide until Feb 16, or while stocks last. The whole idea here is to put a romantic twist with a simple message– if you love someone, send them Pizza Heart.
With that ethos in mind, Pizza Hut Malaysia’s marketing team have come up with a gem of a campaign to spread the word of it’s Valentine’s day offering. The Pizza connoisseurs put its heart in a cardboard box and delivered a heart shaped pizza to it’s competitors doorstep. Each box was delivered with a personalized note and sent to the likes of KFC, Mcdonald’s, A&W, Texas Chicken and of course, the hut’s arch nemesis, Domino’s.
Of course, the personalized notes each had it’s own Malaysian twist to it and they’re all as punny as it gets. To arch rivals Domino’s it read:
“Dear Domeeno (Domino’s Pizza), my lovely neighbour. Greetings from us at Pizza Heart. Specially made with love and no hard fillings!”
“Dear Kepci, I know you love pizza. But ‘Chizza’ is not Pizza. Here is a Piz’za Heart with love from us. We belanje (it’s on us).”
To Mcdonald’s:
“Dear Mekdi, your burgers are cool. But don’t be a chiken ah. Give this new Piz’za Heart a try. We heard Everyone’s Lovin’ It.”
Credit where credit is due. This campaign is brilliant! Everyone loves a bit of friendly banter between competitors and Pizza Hut hit the right spot with this one. Remember to get your own heart shaped pizza at all Pizza Hut outlets nationwide from now till the 16th of February!