Tech Giants Assemble! Microsoft, Amazon And Google Developing Malaysia Into A Regional Hub

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During a town hall session with civil servants in Johor, Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin has shared that global technology giants Microsoft, Amazon and Google have shown interest in developing Malaysia into a regional hub for information technology.

Malaysia currently has the National Fiberisation and Connectivity Plan (NFCP) which is aimed at bridging the digital divide between rural and urban areas.

The prime minister said representatives of the big tech firms recently expressed their interest in a meeting with him. He went on to say that many have shown their interest in helping Malaysia and that recently the leaders of Microsoft, Amazon and Google met with him expressing their interests to be involved in the process of developing Malaysia in the IT and other fields to make Malaysia a regional centre.

“But first, to make sure, does our country have the best connectivity? The main issue usually raised is lack of access. Our Internet is not efficient,” he said.

While the tech giants have expressed their willingness to participate, the Prime Minister said the main issue raised is the lack of access, and our internet is not effective. Muhyiddin, who is also the Member of Parliament of Pagoh, said that Malaysia has not achieved a competitive level of internet connectivity.

He gave an example of Veveonah in Sabah who had to climb a tree to get good internet connectivity to complete her exam.

In June, Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) student Veveonah Mosibin, 18, of Kampung Sapatalang in Pitas, Sabah uploaded You Tube videos of her spending the night in a tree to get better Internet access for her online university examinations.

The videos have since been viewed over 150,000 times.

While there is already a commitment by the government to improve its Internet connectivity, the time has come to step forward to expand access, according to the Prime Minister.






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