When the Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin gave his MCO update on Friday, firstly the extension of another 2 weeks was seen as necessary to curb the spread and flatten the Covid 19 epidemic in the country. During the session he also mentioned on the easing of certain sector to operate for phase 3.
The following day MITI, Ministry of International Trade and Industry issues a list of business which can operate which included hair saloons, barbers and eye wear shops. We can clearly see the reason behind the approving of such services, as people were suffering for unkempt hair and needing change of spectacles. Being stuck in the house for long period of time can cause side effects, like cabin fever, stress, boredom, depression and psychological problems. Looking neat and with a clean haircut can be way of escapism for some people, assuring themselves that life is getting normal, and vice versa. There are those who feel their eyesight is getting worse and probably there are those who genuinely do.
MITI had good intention and probably used these arguments to get the approval from the National Security Council. Rescinding the approval just 2 days later is a good move, the NSC took the advice given by Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah, Deputy General of Health Ministry against the easing for these sectors. The DG cited the possibility to contacting the virus due the close proximity of individuals attending a haircut or dealing with a optician. We still dont know how the virus behaves, keeping a minimum 1 metre distance has kept the disease from spreading, until the community is clear of coronavirus, we will need to consciously practice social distancing.
The battle is not over and we are close to wining the fight, just when we are getting there its not the time to take risks. We can go about with the stubble and long hair for another 2 weeks and make do with our current contact lenses or spectacles for that few more days. Datuk Noor is right in making his stance and having the Cabinet to reconsider and eventually stopping the order. He wants to see the numbers to come down from the three digit range to two digit and even possibly zero. We have performed better than what JP Morgan predicted of Malaysia reaching its peak of 6000 by mid April, cases now stand at 4817 with 77 deaths.
Things are looking good, lets keep the fight going, now is not the time to have our guards down when we are so close to winning.