Panasonic Evolta Neo is the cute blue robot designed by the same person who recently introduced to Malaysia the Robi robot Mr Tomotaka Takahashi. Doing amazing feats with just a AA battery pack powering its inner core, Neo back in May 2008 went down the Grand Canyon cliff of 540 meters in 6 hours 46 minues and 31 seconds. It also competed in a 230km triathlon in 166 hours and 56 minutes.
Taking challenge to extreme conditions to the land of ice and snow, Panasonic will be conducting another feat for the 17cm robot to complete. This time Evolta Neo will take on a 1,000m fjord vertical climb challenge. This challenge is to test the durability and power of the new batteries that will hit the market on April 26, 2017.
For this challenge, a rope will be hung off a precipitous fjord in Norway, and the robot will be equipped with 2 AA dry cell batteries and attempt to make the 1,000m vertical climb.