After Name Change Unifi TV Goes Down

TM had a gala event two days ago with their new brand name alignment across all their products, no longer Webe or HyppeTV, all services be it for broadband, wifi, TV and mobile will be called Unifi. Also notice the F is no longer in capital.

In conjunction with the announcement, the telco gave away 1 million mobile subscription with 5 sim cards and 20GB for all Malaysians. This will add 5 million users on its network once deployed, users have one year to use the line before an option of extending. But was TM prepared for the take up rate as queues were seen snaking around Menara TM for the free sim?

Apparently not, it was reported the first casualty Hypp TV now know as Unifi TV was down in many places across the country, some were even reporting nationwide, however TM has clarified only a small number were affected where the display screen appeared blank when turned on. Netizens were not so sparring blaming the set top box to be out dated and of cheap quality, comparing to Android boxes which have better navigation controls.

TMAlerts: A small number of unifi TV set-top-boxes may display a blank screen when turned on. This is temporary and is currently being rectified. Our technicians are working to restore service to normal as quickly as they can. We will provide updates when they are available.

Nevertheless, these are teething issues for the newly revitalised operator under the new leadership, surely Dato Seri Shazalli knows what he is in for, a re-branding alone will not solve the deep rooted legacy problems plaguing the giant. But as we have followed the capable CEO’s past track record, it will be just a matter of time before the company becomes a well oiled machine.

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