Facebook Has Decided to Revitalise Their Home of Menlo Park

Facebook has announced a new partnership focused on solving some of Silicon Valley’s most difficult issues, starting with the creation of more affordable housing. To start, they’re making an initial US$20 million contribution to the partnership and hope to attract more contributions and partners — including community groups, philanthropies and companies — over the next few months and years to grow the regional impact. This unique coalition is comprised of initial partners that share our goals, including Youth United for Community Action, Faith in Action Bay Area, Community Legal Services in East Palo Alto, Comité de Vecinos del Lado Oeste – East Palo Alto, the local governments of East Palo Alto and Menlo Park, and other community groups.

The partnership is built on three initial pillars:

Affordable Housing
The partnership will establish a Catalyst Housing Fund with $18.5 million to pursue innovative and scalable ways to increase the production and protection of affordable housing. An additional $250,000 will go to Rebuilding Together Peninsula to support the building and upkeep of homes for low-income residents.

Economic Opportunity
The partnership will devote $625,000 to job training in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields. In addition, Facebook is establishing a dedicated local community liaison who will help connect community members with open positions at Facebook.

Legal Support
To provide immediate relief to those facing particularly difficult circumstances, US$500,000 will be dedicated to an assistance fund to provide legal support to tenants threatened with displacement from evictions, unsafe living conditions and other forms of landlord abuse.


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