Don’t Just Catch, Cook Em’ All


According to Reuters and, a Sydney restaurant has prepared Pokemon Burgers (for about 100 in quantities) up until September 3. Before this we taught that we could only capture a Pokemon, we didn’t know that we could actually cook or eat it? Joking.

The promotion is done by Sydney’s Hashtag Burger and its pop-up restaurant Down n’ Out Burgers. Staff said the Pikachu burger with corn chip ears had proved the most popular but the restaurant had decided that customers couldn’t choose which character they get.

Long queues were reported for people who can’t get enough of Pokemon GO and went to line up to eat some Pokemon burgers such as the yellow Pikachu, pink Charmander or green Bulbasaur Burger.

If you’re Malaysian and currently in the land down under, and is a Pokemon fan, head down to the Sydney’s Hastag Burger and its pop-up restaurant Down n’ Out Burgers!


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