The recent findings by the Auditor-General’s report on abuse by high ranking officers in Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission using funds meant for improving telecommunication connectivity in the country hasn’t gone well with the Communication Minister, YB Gobind Deo.
Gobind has invited MCMC to start investigation on the mismanagement where report revealed that under the previous Minister’s helm, the approval for projects was not implemented transparently and the funds were released without a clear basis. Clearly breachingn the requirements under the MCMC Act.
IN efforts to prevent such an abuse of creeping into MCMC in the future, a series of reforms has been implemented. Which includes the stop of all Corporate Social Responsibility programme for the Minister and the existing allocation transferred to MCMC’s operating expenses.The current guidelines on financial authority has been updated with only those authorised and mandated to give approval can sign of on the funds. The dissolution of subcommittees previously entrusted to approve matters related to the usage of the MCMC Fund. SOP for any approval is enhanced whereby each project, rising matters and every item that needs approval from the management are presented, discussed and/or approved in Management Committee Meeting before it is presented to Commission Members
This is the first time the regulator has seen itself in this awkward position, but MCMC reiterates that it will not tolerate any misconduct by any of its officers and believes in the effective investigation by MACC.