No guessing there in terms of seeing the amount of Malaysians glued to their mobile devices at restaurant, in LRT, while driving, dining table, office, while at work and even in the loo. We are a nation obsessed with the tiny screen, however we are still not number one in the planet, that title goes to South Koreans.
In Akamai Technologies latest report, for this part of the region we reign supreme, being a key market in the Asia-Pacific and one of the highest in terms of average data consumption sources have also noted that the number of mobile users in the country continues to grow exponentially, as does their demand for fast, stable and secure connectivity wherever they are. In the latest report, Malaysia climbed three spots on the global ranking and currently ranks 63rd globally for Average Connection Speed. It has also jumped five spots to rank 52nd.
The average connection speed for Malaysia 7.5% is ahead of Indonesia, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, China, Philippines and India. Meanwhile global average connection speed increased 2.3% to 6.3 Mbps in the third quarter, a 21% increase year over year. South Korea leads with the highest average connection speed at 26.3 Mbps and with our neighbour Singapore’s average peak connection speed reached at 162 Mbps late this year.